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Ultimate Feature

Our super useful feature for more complex service offerings where only detailed comparison cards will do.

Adapt this page to your needs, or bring the code into your existing pages using our instructions. Enjoy!

Amazing Feature One

A list of what your first amazing feature has...

Topped with a video, an image, or logo as above

Simply edit the text box in the menu...

Add as many list items as you wish, and change the Icon, too!

The effect it has on you and your clients

And even more benefits! Make it as long as you wish, offering the choice

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Duplicate and Edit

For side-by-side comparison of your features.

They can see clearly the value for money they'll get.

This version has a video - click it to see.

Leading customers to make the choice that's right for them.

And ending with a choice of action, such as choosing the Classic or Advanced package.

Save before leaving, and Refresh the Preview to check your work!

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